Notes: *Instead of alphabetical order, the Ensemble is listed from oldest to youngest.
*All Ensemble members wear black trenchcoats. Each one has a special accessory though that will be noted in their description.
*All Ensemble members can teleport.
*All Ensemble members live in the mansion.
*All descriptions of roles end before Trance absorbed them to use for the seal. Afterwards, she restored them to life, and they went to continue their lives at the mansion. They can be summoned by group members by using a music sheet.
Name: Trance
Description: There is a gold circlet around Trance’s head with a small, silver gem in it. Her purple hair goes to her waist, and her silver eyes are far more emotional than when she was first seen. She has no visible weapon.
Personality: At first, Trance resembled a robot, speaking factually and taking actions based on how efficient they were rather than considering her siblings. When the gem controlling her was broken, she reverted back to her true self, the oldest sister of the Ensemble who treated her siblings much like a loving mother. She also regards the group that saved her highly and helps them whenever asked.
Role: When Trance first appeared, Jazz held her off so the group could escape. xp tried to confront her anyway, but after Solaris was thrown through a nearby wall, he decided to leave as well. She captured Jazz, and afterwards, began to search for other siblings that were betraying her. She found the group at the plains, but Blues teleported them away while he held Trance off. Once she subdued him, she imprisoned him and returned to confront the group upon their return. Though Kenri and Dragran attempted to help her, she did not listen to them. She used Heart Stopper on Kenri to kill him, and Jazz was able to teleport them away before she did any more damage. She met xp’s group at the mansion, and was still unable to be reasoned with. She teleported to the seal to create a final safety measure once all the Limiters were destroyed. She took the souls from the Ensemble members to protect the seal, but Dragran, with Grave’s power, cut away the gem controlling her. Trance was horrified by what she had done, but with the group’s help and her family’s, she began a new life with all of them.
Notes: *Trance’s specialty is psychic powers. Her teleportation has no appearance.
*Powers include the ability to move objects and living beings with her mind; the size does not seem to affect her. She can instantly stop one’s heart from beating, which is how she killed Kenri. Trance also can erase nearly any item from existence.
*As the oldest and most powerful, all the other Ensemble members follow her lead.
*Trance has killed Kenri by stopping his heart.
*She is thought to be one of the most powerful characters in MBA.
*Trance has done much research on her powers to try and make herself more useful to the group.
Name: Jazz
Description: Jazz wears sunglasses at times, but usually keeps them on his forehead to reveal his orange eyes. His fire-red hair falls to his back in a ponytail. When he fights, he does so with two flaming swords.
Personality: Most of the time, Jazz acts casually, taking everything with a relaxed air. He also likes to be sarcastic at times. Rarely does he become serious, but it easy to tell the change when he does. Despite his attitude, he clearly cares about the rest of his siblings and always takes what he believes is the best actions to help them.
Role: The group met Jazz first out of all the Ensemble members. Though he gave cryptic clues on what was occurring, after being defeated in battle, he explained who Song was and how she was causing monsters to go insane. Trance arrived shortly after, and he managed to stall her so the group could get away. He was captured and given to Interval for interrogation at the volcano, but was rescued by the group and joined up with them afterwards. He, Bass, and Treble had to teleport to another location to get away from the ice dragons attacking them afterwards. Shortly after, they were captured (again), but Jazz managed to escape to warn the group thanks to Grave. Due to injuries he had, and a new one he acquired from Ode, he was knocked out shortly afterwards. xp realized Trance’s followers had placed a tracking device on him. Jazz came with xp to help free his siblings in their headquarters.
Notes: *Jazz’s specialty is fire. His teleportation has the recipients be wrapped in non-harmful flames.
*Powers include a circle of fire that can trap his foes in an area with him, being able to make his body as high in temperature as he desires, and setting fire on a large group of opponents in one movement.
*Though he guarded a Limiter for Song at a volcano, he had abandoned it to find help.
*As the second oldest, Jazz is often looked up to and considered one of their leaders.
*Jazz and Blues get along well and can be seen talking to each other often.
*Dragran hated him at first, but over time, grew to view him as a friend.
*When irritated, he tends to wave a hand through the air, which leaves a trail of smoke.
* Jazz is the best singer amongst the Ensemble.
Name: Blues
Description: A gray scarf is tied around Blues’ neck at all times, no matter what the temperature is. His eyes are the same color as his scarf, and his sea-green hair is a bit messy, as if blown around by the wind with little care. When fighting, he uses a spear made of wind.
Personality: Gentler than many of his siblings, Blues prefers to live in peace. He is thoughtful and observes common sights with a more careful eye. Many of his younger siblings feel that they can trust him greatly.
Role: Dragran was the first one to meet Blues, on the same ship where he saved the egg that contained Chloe. Blues spent most of the time staring at the sea, but did tell Dragran which room the thief was in. The rest of the group encounters him shortly after Trance and Jazz fought. He was trying to help Yew recover from a poisonous bite he had received from a cobra, and then told the group about the Limiters they needed to destroy to set Song free. Blues accompanied the group and helped to bring them to multiple Limiters. He was controlled by Slur at the sky Limiter, but the control was broken by the group and he was saved because of it. When Trance found them at the plains, Blues teleported the group to the cemetery to save them.
Notes: *Blues’ specialty is wind. His teleportation has the people affected be wrapped in a cool, but swift, wind gust.
*Powers include being able to fly, controlling where an enemy goes via wind, and being able to move faster with the help of the air.
*He used to guard a Limiter for Song in the sky, but did not defend it from the group, saying it needed to be destroyed.
*Though the third oldest, Blues actually looks younger than many of them, appearing to be in his teenage years.
*Jazz and Blues get along well and can be seen talking to each other often.
*He greatly dislikes loud noises and prefers to be in quiet areas. This is the reason his room in the mansion is soundproof.
*Blues is the best piano player amongst the Ensemble, and likes to play at weddings.
Name: Waltz
Description: With a monocle over one of his brown eyes (his left one, to be exact), Waltz has a sophisticated appearance. His dark gray hair is tied in a scruffy ponytail. When he wishes to fight, he twists the dimensions to create wires that he can control at will.
Personality: A formal person at heart, Waltz puts duty above all else. He is somewhat of a loner, but will help when asked to. He tends to speak in facts, even if that means discomforting someone else.
Role: The group encountered Waltz in the area with Song’s seal. He was trying to persuade Echo to not interfere with the seal, but had to fight the group when they appeared, mainly because Blues was betraying what he saw as their life duty. After being defeated, he vanished.
Notes: *Waltz’s specialty is warp. His teleportation methods look merely like the ones affected vanish, with no fancy effects.
*Powers include the ability to teleport far more quickly than other Ensemble members, to the point that he cannot be seen, and can force opponents to vanish and reappear in other locations. He fights in cunning manners, often creating traps with his wires to catch an opponent in.
*While Waltz is only the fourth oldest, in appearance, he looks the oldest, being perhaps in his sixties. He does not seem hampered by this though, moving as swiftly as any of the others.
*The only sign Waltz will make of being bored is when he starts to polish his monocle.
*Waltz enjoys tea above all other drinks. On days where he feels generous, he will prepare it in the mansion and warp to other people to offer them tea he makes, which is surprisingly good.
Name: Aria
Description: Aria’s blonde hair is tied in a long ponytail, and her blue eyes have a pure and innocent shine to them. A gold cross is around her neck at all times.
Personality: Aria is a caring woman who want to help anyone she can. She abhors the thought of fighting and desires peace.
Role: Aria is brought by Grave to revive xp. She revives Kenri when he is brought to her, but said Grave had been taken. The group volunteered to protect her if she came with them, and she agreed.
Notes: *Aria’s specialty is life. Her teleportation is a flash of light.
*Powers include reviving someone who died less than one hour ago, healing injuries, curing diseases, and purging poisons.
*Aria often works with Grave. She revives those he tells her she has the power to.
*Even if exhausted, Aria continues to do her best to heal and revive anyone who needs it. She believes everyone should be given a chance to live, and experience the joys of living.
*Aria makes an effort to spend each day with a different person. She believes that this way, she can forge good relationships with everyone in the mansion.
Name: Grave
Description: Grave keeps his black hair tied in a short ponytail, which reveals his red eyes. An hourglass hangs around his neck, and he fights with a scythe.
Personality: Though he has a dark appearance and dark powers, Grave is a kind individual who speaks softly and reassures his siblings. Many appreciate him for this.
Role: Grave is met in the cemetery after xp died. He brings Aria, who revives xp. He then lets the group destroy the Limiter he was guarding, hoping it will prevent more deaths from occurring. He teleported to the base of operations shortly afterwards and told Jazz to go to the plains before fighting away his captors. Grave was taken for this though, and branded a traitor. xp and Jazz manage to free him. When absorbed into the seal, Dragran lent Grave his body to free Trance from the control she was under.
Notes: *Grave’s specialty is death. His teleportation is a flash of darkness.
*Powers include instantly killing opponents weaker than him, being able to tell how long a person has before they die, and knowing how long ago someone has died.
*Grave guarded the Limiter in the graveyard.
*Grave often works with Aria. He can tell her if it is within her power to revive someone who has died recently.
*Though Grave has the power of death, he does not use it often. When asks why, he states that he wishes to keep the amount of living and dead balanced; if he interfered when unnecessary, it would offset the balance.
*Grave spends his spare time doing wood carvings. Sometimes they will be for tombstones, but other times are for amusement. One reason Echo found him to be kind was that during their first meeting, he gave her a carving of a flower.
Name: Melody
Description: Melody always keeps her glasses on, which have light-brown rims that match her eyes. Her emerald hair is braided to her waist, and she uses an emerald longbow with dark brown arrows.
Personality: A scholarly woman who values learning, Melody likes to share her knowledge with others. She enjoys engaging in conversations with others about what she has learned lately. She does a good job with this, not using terms that are too technical for others.
Role: Melody was found guarding the Limiter in the forest that was near the mansion. She fought the group in a fair manner, and when she lost, let them destroy the Limiter.
Notes: *Melody’s specialty is plants. Her teleportation has vines appear to wrap around anyone coming with her.
*Powers include being able to ease people with a sweet, flowery scent, catching opponents with vines, cutting them with razor-sharp petals, and healing herself when the sun is out.
*She guarded the Limiter in the forest.
*Though she lives at the mansion, she tends to stay in the forest surrounding it most of the time.
*Melody’s favorite pastime is reading. She always makes a visit to the library at eight AM to return a book and receive a new one.
Name: Dirge
Description: Dirge’s black hair falls in waves, slightly covering his blue eyes. A black collar with a silver buckle is on his neck.
Personality: Dirge has a compassion for his siblings and does whatever he can to help them. However, he dislikes attention, and usually does his work from the shadows.
Role: After encountering Lied, the group meets Dirge, who lets them destroy the Limiter without any resistance. He then accompanies them.
Notes: *Dirge’s specialty is darkness. His teleportation envelopes everyone in a darkness that curls around the recipients.
*Powers include blinding opponents, causing malice to manifest, and crushing them with darkness.
*Dirge guarded the Limiter in the mines.
*Dirge enjoys underground areas. He will sometimes go underground and lay there for a few hours simply because he wants to.
Name: Lied
Description: With her blonde hair tied in a braid, Lied’s emerald eyes are clearly visible. She has a white ribbon tied in a bow around her neck.
Personality: Lied is not timid like Hymn; however, she is easy to scare as well. She gets startled by sudden events. Otherwise, she is a brave individual who does what she can do to help her friends. She is also polite and courteous to everyone she speaks with, even if they annoy her.
Role: The group, minus xp and Jazz, literally ran into Lied in the mines. She fled, and apologized when they caught up with her. She then accompanies the group.
Notes: *Lied’s specialty is light. Her teleportation envelopes everyone in a soft light.
*Powers include blinding opponents, punishing them based on the malice in their heart, and searing them with light.
*When meeting someone new, Lied tends to bow to them.
*Lied loves bows and uses all sorts of differently-colored ones to keep her braid in place.
Name: Forte
Description: Forte has short, golden hair, with pale gold eyes. A gold chain with a sun charm is wrapped around his head, looking like a circlet of sorts.
Personality: Forte is a gentle person who dislikes fighting; he prefers to run from confrontations rather than hurt someone else. He is so quiet that barely anyone has heard him speak, and he won’t talk at all unless with Piano.
Role: Forte was first seen having his strength sapped by Quint. When the group interfered, he escaped to try and find Piano. Kenri and Dragran later find him in the plains.
Notes: *Forte’s specialty is the sun. His teleportation looks like a bright golden flare that consumes those with him.
*Powers include blinding opponents and burning them.
*Forte is older than Piano by two minutes.
*The twins always keep their hands linked.
*Both seem to enjoy music.
Name: Piano
Description: Piano has silver, waist-length hair, with pale silver eyes. A silver chain with a crescent moon charm is wrapped around her head, looking like a circlet of sorts.
Personality: Piano is a gentle person who dislikes fighting; she prefers to run from confrontations rather than hurt someone else. She is so quiet that barely anyone has heard her speak, and she won’t talk at all unless with Forte.
Role: Piano was judged to be against Trance and was imprisoned for it. xp and Jazz were able to rescue her.
Notes: *Piano’s specialty is the moon. Her teleportation looks like a bright white flare that consumes those with her.
*Powers include blinding opponents and freezing them.
*Piano is younger than Forte by two minutes.
*The twins always keep their hands linked.
*Both seem to enjoy music.
Name: Serenade
Description: Serenade has short, dark orange hair and green eyes. A clear crystal hangs around her neck.
Personality: A calm individual, Serenade thinks things through carefully before taking action. Her patience helps others in times of stress.
Role: Serenade stayed with Rhapsody since her Limiter had been destroyed some time ago. When Melody spoke of the group favorably, she and Rhapsody decided to help them.
Notes: *Serenade’s specialty is space. Her teleportation causes white sparkles, like stars, to appear around those being teleported.
*Powers include bringing down meteors, suffocating opponents, completely blocking out sound, and tearing apart opponents from the inside-out.
*Serenade guarded the Limiter on the moon until it was destroyed.
*Serenade and Rhapsody are good friends and hang out a lot.
*Serenade enjoys going shopping, though she prefers to window-shop and spend her money responsibly.
*A favorite pastime is star-gazing.
Name: Tempo
Description: Tempo has short, blonde hair with a beard and brown eyes. A clock outlined in gold, with a white face and black hands, rests around his neck.
Personality: Speaking in an unserious manner, Tempo seems to take everything as a joke. He has odd morals, but when his beliefs are put into something, he acts devotedly for them.
Role: Tempo froze the time in the mansion, catching everyone but Rose, Columbine, and Violet. He was chased away by Violet and helped to contact Dragran later when sealed.
Notes: *Tempo’s specialty is time. His teleportation has a clock form beneath the group and whirl to twelve o’clock, causing them to vanish.
*Powers include stopping time, slowing it down, or making it go faster.
*Dragran hates Tempo to the point that he wants to destroy him. Ironically, Tempo has once saved his life.
*Tempo and Hymn get along well, since Hymn seems him as a nice person and a guardian.
*Oddly, Tempo is good with children.
*Tempo has a collection of watches in his room. They are all on exactly the same time and tick in unison. Should one be broken, he notices instantly.
Name: Carol
Description: With silver hair to the bottoms of her shoulder blades and ice-blue eyes, Carol gives off a frigid feeling just from her appearance. She wears a necklace of pearls, ones that look almost transparent. She uses ice kunai to attack.
Personality: As suggested by her element, Carol is cold-hearted and does not care about others. She has a cunning mind and usually sets up traps rather than confront an enemy head-on.
Role: Carol was found in a cave of ice dragons, which was where the Limiter in the snow lands was located. She had set up several traps, including ones that froze people into ice blocks and a method to wake up the ice dragons if necessary. She was defeated though, and had to flee from the cave.
Notes: *Carol’s specialty is ice. Her teleportation causes ice to encase those taken, and vanish upon arriving at the next location.
*Powers include encasing foes in ice, calling up blizzards, causing it to hail, and changing the temperature in the area to become as cold as she desires.
*Carol guarded the Limiter in the snow lands.
*Out of all the Ensemble members, Carol seems to have the worst luck. She constantly loses games of chance, any dice she rolls will end up with a bad number, and her coin tosses are never correct.
*Carol has a bad habit of being in the exact place people will appear. People have fallen on her several times, to the point that she is paranoid of it.
Name: Punk
Description: Punk keeps his dark brown, spiky hair back with a dark green headband. His eyes are a lighter shade than his hair, but his large hammer matches his hair in color.
Personality: Punk has much confidence in his abilities, but not to the point of being arrogant. He knows being smart is good in its own right, but much prefers brute force. He usually asks someone else to make the plans while he supports however he can.
Role: The group found Punk in the mountains, guarding a Limiter. After defeating him in combat, he let them destroy the Limiter.
Notes: *Punk’s specialty is earth techniques. His teleportation has boulders form around those being moved, and then has them vanish.
*Powers include being able to cover his skin with a rock coating for protection, trapping opponents under rocks, and causing fissures that can hit several opponents.
*Punk guarded the Limiter in the mountains.
*To keep himself in fighting shape, Punk will fight in the coliseum often. He likes to fight especially strong monsters.
*When working with Tempo, Punk has been known to yell, “Stop! It’s hammer time!”, much to the disgust of opponents.
Name: Double
Description: Normally, Double keeps a black eyepatch over his left eye. His right remains closed usually, but when open, can be seen as a human eye with a red iris. His black hair falls to his shoulders in a straight fashion, and he always has a large smile. However, when prompted to battle, he takes off the eyepatch, revealing a completely red eye with a black pupil. He uses a white naginata when in his peaceful form, and a black one with two blades in his fighting form. His black hair will also grow to his knees in this form, and he takes on a more muscular appearance.
Personality: When in normal form, Double speaks in a casual manner and seems fairly considerate. When berserk, he disregards everyone else and attacks whatever he identifies as an enemy (which can sometimes include allies if he is very distraught).
Role: Double found the group in the forest while in his peaceful personality. xp had Solaris attack him though, which caused him to go into his other personality. When he was fought off, Waltz appeared to warp him to another location.
Notes: *Double’s specialty is mentalities; namely, what makes up a personality. His teleportation wraps the participants in a black and white shroud.
*Powers include having two personalities, one of which is far better at fighting than the other. That personality can go into berserk rages at will.
*Though labeled to have multiple personality disorder, this is not quite correct when taken into a literal context. Double knows exactly what occurs when his other personality is in control, something that rarely happens to people with the actual disorder. He also thinks of himself as the same person in both states. In summary, that is not an accurate label for him, but one that is the most common to be said about him.
*Double always tries to keep a smile on his face when in his peaceful form. This is because he is told that he looks frightening when vicious, and he wants to dispel those fears about him.
*Though he does not do well in social situations, Double tries to be courteous when engaged in conversation.
*When berserk, Double tends to break items often. This is why Double never enters stores, and is often spending any money he gets on repaying people whose belongings he ruins.
Name: Ode
Description: Ode has lengthy black hair, black eyes, and a black bandanna around his neck. He uses a dagger as a weapon.
Personality: Though cunning, Ode has little physical strength. He relies on trickery to accomplish anything in battles. He has no qualms with killing but will follow orders given to him by one of the older siblings, even if he disagrees with them.
Role: Disguising himself as Ana, Ode pretended to be suffering. When xp checked on him, Ode thrust a dagger through his heart, killing him. The group had to retreat when Trance appeared, leaving him unharmed. When the group returns, he poses as an injured Blues to seize Echo and vanish. He returned a short time later as Jazz, but the real Jazz appeared a moment later. xp ordered Solaris to freeze Ode to test if he was the real Jazz, which blew his cover and caused him to retreat. When xp and Jazz infiltrate their headquarters, Ode disguises himself as Echo, but Jazz catches on and forces him to back off once more.
Notes: *Ode’s specialty is mimicking. His teleportation causes the people’s outlines to become oddly shaped, as if they are not themselves anymore.
*Powers include shifting into any person he wants. However, he cannot mimic anything except their personality; powers are beyond him.
*Ode killed xp by pretending to be Ana, then stabbing him when he let his guard down. He nearly killed him two other times, and succeeded in kidnapping Echo, totaling to four times he fooled the group.
Name: Interval
Description: Through his right ear is a small metal spike, looking driven through painfully. His hair is the color of old blood, with his eyes being a bright red. He usually carries a whip.
Personality: Perhaps the most vicious and cruel of the Ensemble, Interval could even be called evil. He delights in feeling the pain of others and works as a torturer. Though he will listen to his siblings and not hurt anyone called an ally, he likes to hunt out people to consider enemies and lash them in.
Role: Interval was assigned by Trance to torture Jazz for information on where other Ensemble members were. The group arrived at the volcano and managed to defeat him though, causing him to teleport away.
Notes: *Interval’s specialty is pain. When teleporting, he causes a dark cloud, tinged with red, to warp anyone necessary.
*Powers include crippling opponents with his strikes and tripping them.
*Though he does not have a Limiter, Interval guarded the volcano’s due to Jazz refusing to.
*Interval has an annoyance for cheerful emotions, thus causing him to distance himself from many of his siblings.
*It could be said that Interval was the most successful invention of the creators of the Ensemble. They managed to make him full of malice, but could not replicate it as well with others.
*The one weakness Interval has is for kittens. Due to an incident where he found a stray kitten in the human world looking for its mother, he got a fondness for them. He defends this by saying he admires cats for their tendency to only look after themselves, but Slur knows the truth and likes to tease him about it.
Name: Quint
Description: Though Quint looks to be in her early twenties, she still has dark gray hair, along with light gray eyes. She keeps a white feather tucked behind her left ear. She carries a gray net that she snares opponents with.
Personality: Quint acts insolent often, along with arrogant. She views herself as a superior being and looks down on ‘mortals’, along with anyone who is weak. This perspective changed when she began to live at the mansion; she now has respect for most people she knows. Old habits die hard though; her superiority complex still leaks out at times.
Role: When the group found Quint, she was trying to interrogate Forte. The group attacked her to help Forte escape, and she was forced to retreat when defeated.
Notes: *Quint’s specialty is gravity. Her teleportation causes a purple orb to form around those being taken.
*Powers include sapping an opponent’s energy, locking someone into place, and stopping others from jumping or flying.
*Quint has a lot of respect for Trance due to her strength. It could almost be said that she idolizes her.
*When Quint arrived at the mansion, she viewed the people there with annoyance. At one point, she called Columbine a weakling, and in response, Columbine beat her into the ground. They formed an uneasy truce afterwards, and Quint watched her tongue around other mansion residents.
Name: Rhapsody
Description: Rhapsody has black hair with blonde highlights. Her eyes are bright yellow, as is the bowtie around her neck.
Personality: Rhapsody has an eccentric personality. Her goal in life is to have fun, and she does so with her bizarre talents. She views conflicts as a waste of everyone’s time and thinks fighting is worthless.
Role: Melody informed Serenade and Rhapsody of the group, so when they arrived, Rhapsody decided to help them by revealing the Limiter in the plains.
Notes: *Rhapsody’s specialty is electricity. Her teleportation causes lightning to strike those being teleported.
*Powers include zapping opponents, paralyzing them, causing thunderstorms to come, or causing a current of electricity to run.
*Rhapsody guarded the Limiter in the plains.
*Rhapsody and Serenade often hang out together due to being friends.
*Rhapsody loves to cook and bake. Her favorite food to make is cakes.
Name: Slur
Description: Slur has an odd appearance, with light gray hair that curls to her waist and light pink eyes. A silver bell rests around her neck, which she can use to control others. She uses a pendulum when fighting.
Personality: A cruel individual, Slur cares about herself more than anyone else. She would even betray her siblings at times for her own benefit. However, due to family life at the mansion, she is slowly becoming more accepting of her kin.
Role: Since Blues was against Trance’s ideals, she had Slur guard the Limiter in the sky. Slur took control of Blues and had him fight the group, along with herself. When defeated, she fell off the cloud they were on, but managed to teleport to safety.
Notes: *Slur’s specialty is the mind. Her teleportation causes a circle to appear around the group and then have them vanish.
*Powers include being able to control one person, putting people to sleep, and altering memories.
*Though Slur has a mean streak, she rarely, if ever, alters someone’s memories permanently. She views this as a crime, and would rather kill over it.
*Slur likes to play pranks. This includes taking over someone and causing mass confusion to others with the new personality.
Name: Bass
Description: Bass has a silver earring on his left ear. His dark green hair is offset by his dark red eyes.
Personality: Tending to act rather goofy, Bass is often not taken seriously. He is also a klutz. He works well with Treble though and has been helpful at times, with comedy relief if nothing else.
Role: Bass and Treble were found guarding the snow lands. When told by the group that they wanted to destroy the Limiter, they ditched guard duty to lead them to it. Bass was trapped under rubble during the fight with Carol, so he could not help. He, Treble, and Jazz had to teleport to another location to get away from the ice dragons attacking them afterwards. They were captured, but xp and Jazz managed to save him.
Notes: *Bass’ specialty is unknown.
*Powers are unknown.
*Bass is exactly one minute and thirty-five seconds older than Treble. Despite that, Treble acts more mature than him.
*Bass and Treble are rarely seen apart, if ever. They see each other as good friends even though they argue a lot.
*It usually takes three minutes for Bass to become bored if nothing happens.
*Bass is often elected for guard duty, and thus ropes Treble into it.
*Bass loves fireworks, though he has rarely ever seen them. He wants to someday buy several to set off at the mansion to celebrate a special occasion.
Name: Treble
Description: A polar opposite of Bass, he has a silver earring on his right ear, dark red hair, and dark green eyes.
Personality: Treble is a bit more serious than Bass and often talks in a drawling tone. He gets bored just as easily as Bass though, if not more easily. Though he can be hard on Bass, he is often compared to him in terms of personality.
Role: Bass and Treble were found guarding the snow lands. When told by the group that they wanted to destroy the Limiter, they ditched guard duty to lead them to it. Since Bass was trapped, Treble spent the battle with Carol trying to dig him out. He, Bass, and Jazz had to teleport to another location to get away from the ice dragons attacking them afterwards. They were captured, but xp and Jazz managed to save him.
Notes: *Treble’s specialty is unknown.
*Powers are unknown.
*Though younger than Bass, he acts more mature. He is also smarter than him, slightly.
*Bass and Treble are rarely seen apart, if ever. They see each other as good friends even though they argue a lot.
*It usually takes two minutes and thirty seconds for Treble to become bored if nothing happens.
*Though Treble rarely is asked to do guard duty, Bass always forces him to join him on it.
*Treble finds a fascination for kaleidoscopes. Though his ultimate goal is to someday obtain one, he has never told anyone this.
Name: Hymn
Description: Hymn’s blue hair is in a ponytail that is kept in place with a white seashell clasp. Her sea-green eyes often reflect nervousness.
Personality: Though a sweet girl, Hymn gets scared easily. She is incredibly shy and hides from those she does not know. She also cries when frightened.
Role: The group, minus xp and Jazz, found her at the Limiter in the sea. Kenri challenged her to a fight, but Hymn, scared by the thought of fighting, began to cry and say she did not want to fight. Once the group calmed her down, she showed where the Limiter was, and joined the group to remain safe.
Notes: *Hymn’s specialty is water. Her teleportation has water come from the ground and consume the ones being teleported.
*Powers include controlling water currents, causing waves, creating rain, and sprouting geysers.
*Hymn guarded the Limiter in the sea.
*Though she looks around the same age as Echo, she is not teased nearly as much due to her delicate feelings.
*Hymn looks up to Tempo and follows him around frequently.
*When startled or scared, Hymn bursts into tears and has a hard time stopping crying.
*Hymn tends to stammer whenever she speaks, making it hard to understand her.
Name: Echo
Description: With a purple barrette that has a flower design in her bright pink hair, many do not take Echo seriously at first sight. When looking into her light purple eyes, however, an eerie feeling overtakes them. She can make chakrams out of sound to fight with.
Personality: Echo tends to see issues in black and white. She has morals that most would respect, thinking it wrong to condemn others to death and believing everyone should have a chance for happiness. Her naïve nature lends to this, and she acts about as old as she looks.
Role: Though Echo wanted to help humans by stopping Song’s singing, Waltz interfered. That was when the group arrived, and Echo joined up with them, trusting Blues’ judgment. Afterwards, she suppressed the noise caused by Song, and then went with the group, as she would have been in danger if left with the seal alone. Ode manages to capture her, but she is rescued by xp and Jazz.
Notes: *Echo’s specialty is sound. Her teleportation has music notes swirl around those taken, along with a soft melody.
*Powers include deafening opponents, using echolocation if she cannot see normally, and being incredibly fast with movement.
*Many of the Ensemble members care about keeping Echo in particular safe, since she is the second youngest sibling. She looks the part as well, appearing about twelve in age.
*Echo knows more humans and monsters than most of her siblings do, and is more accepting of others.
*Because of xp being protective of her when they first met, Echo has an admiration for him.
Name: Song
Description: Song has pure white hair and pitch-black eyes. A gold circlet is around her head, but without a gem, unlike Trance’s.
Personality: Unused to talking to others, Song may come across as shy. She does enjoy meeting other people though.
Role: Song, as the being that finally possessed the voice to drive others insane, was sealed away to increase her power. When the seal cracked, her song leaked into the world and began to affect monsters. She was not aware of this until the ten Limiters were destroyed though. Released from the seal, Song instantly stopped the insanity, and thanked her siblings and the group for helping her.
Notes: *Song’s specialty is unknown.
*Powers are unknown.
*Though the youngest, Song is theoretically even stronger than Trance. This is unknown for the moment, as she has not unlocked her powers.
*Song makes sure to visit each of her siblings once a day. She is determined to form a family bond with them.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
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